Emergency Information for New York City

Updated and verified: November 13, 2018

Basic Info

Here you will find basic information that is useful during a serious emergency situation. For current updates, follow @agreatbigcity on Twitter and view the A Great Big City main website (also available as a low-bandwidth version that will load quickly over a mobile connection)

Police and Public Safety

If you are having an emergency and need assistance, immediately call 911 – They are your first line of defense.

In non-emergency situations, call 311 or your local police precinct. Click here for a list of NYPD Precincts and their phone numbers.


Current Weather Warnings from NOAA

NOAA Weather Radio

(Unfortunately, the weather radio station has not been operational since November 2017)

The NOAA weather radio station for the New York City area is: KWO35 at 162.550 MHz — This can be tuned on a special weather radio and may also be labeled "WX7" on radios with a weather tuner.

Listen to NYC weather radio online [currently offline]

If you have a SAME (Specific Area Message Encoding) compatible weather radio, you can use NOAA's official list of SAME numbers to find alerts by specific county. SAME numbers: 036061 (Manhattan), 036047 (Brooklyn), 036081 (Queens), 036005 (Bronx), 036085 (Staten Island)

The National Weather Service has an automated 24 hour hotline offering forecasts and weather warnings from the local forecast office at 631-924-0517. [Click to call]

Weather Updates

Transit Updates